Monday, July 15, 2013

Last Day at SPHS (part one)

Ironically this is being posted a year and one month after my last day of school. SPHS was my high school and it was my first of two high schools I would attend (the second being Fryeburg Academy) and SPHS was one of the main players in why we moved. They were demolishing it and building a new one. That posed two problems... Learning distraction and taxes going up, up, up and away! Anyways now starts my last day at SPHS.

It was my last day of school. My freshmen year done and over. I had one final left (my gym final) and I could leave earlier then most of the others, thanks to having a study hall. After the final ended we all returned our locks for our lockers. We had about 4-8 minutes before we were allowed to leave so we mingled in the halls and that was the time to say goodbye. I was saying goodbye to friends I had known since kindergarten or I had just met this year. Some knew I was leaving, some didn't. As the class got out I walked away headed towards the buses. I met a friend or two on the bus. They all did their best at cheering me up. I walked home that day all alone for about half of the walk. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Too bad I never got a yearbook...

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