Wednesday, July 17, 2013

On The News!

Last year on this day we had a thunderstorm at around 8:00 in the evening. Tonight we have a thunderstorm again. After the storm moved on we were left with an eerie sky and.... a rainbow! I snapped a picture and sent it to the news channel. That night it was featured in the weather segment! It made it the 6th time for being mentioned or on the news! I want to be famous one day so that means a lot for now. Click the link below to see a video of the part where I'm featured.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Movies, Books and Songs

You might wonder, how does any of this fit into homesteading and my life? Well here's how it fits. During that summer I was shown how amazing movies of the 80's are. My top three movies last summer? In no particular order The Goonies, Stand By Me and Mosquito Coast. Here's how each of those movies helped me with homesteading. The Goonies were a bunch of kids going on one last adventure before they moved. That sounds like me and my friends! Stand By Me fit in because of going on an adventure in the woods. I was pretty excited to learn we had an abandoned  railway 15 minutes away. Have I gone on adventures yet? No, I haven't made as good friends as the characters did or my old friends. Mosquito Coast was about a family moving to the middle of know where and building a village. While we didn't build a village we did build everything on our own with no help but our families and we did choose what I call "the middle of know where ". The dad also somewhat at times reminded me of my dad. I also loved those movies last summer not just for those reasons. I loved the cinematography, acting/cast and the story happening. Now let's move on to books shall we?


During that summer I didn't read much. However I kept reading one novel over and over again. The book was a pile of short story's and the books title is Different Seasons and its
 by Stephen King. Another Mainer and someone who has a camp the next town over. Pretty neat, huh? Anyways I borrowed that book so many times from the library last summer. Its a good book and one of the stories in it happens to be The Body a.k.a Stand By Me, which at the time was also my favorite movie. Now let's get onto songs.

Music is like a savior too many. It helped me when I felt sad or happy that summer. Still does and did even before the move. I listened to a lot of music during the move. I would make a playlist on my iPod and play it till my iPod died. Some songs I've listened to so much that they've been played over 1,000 times! Anyways here's a list of songs that were my favorites during that summer and helped me in some way.

- Someone Like You BY ADELE
- Goonies Main Theme BY DAVE GRUSIN


I'm sure I'm forgetting some. That's just a rough list of what I can remember. The first, forth and sixth ones were all ones I listened too a lot last summer for sure. That's all for now! For anyone wondering, my Last Hangouts post will be up later today.

How To: stay cool during heatwaves

Alright. We all know that feel, when its hot and humid. Blah! I hate that feeling! Currently that's what's happening to all the unlucky folks who don't have AC installed. I'm glad my parents caved in and got one. If you don't a hardware store most likely sells one or your nearest Lowes/Home Depot. Here are some tip to stay cool during a heatwave. Oh and I leave you with a picture of the God of the house. Well somewhat.

Dam Jam 2013

At the local arts center I volunteer at (and could soon have a job there!) were hosting a concert called, The Dam Jam. Why call it The Dam Jam? Well, its taking place right next to a dam in the towns local park. There will be lots of food, games and music! A bus from Portland will be leaving that day to head here. Great time for my friends to meet with me! To buy tickets or find out more information click the link below!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Last Day at SPHS (part two)

After the official day school ended there was one last optional day. It was for retakes on finals or hang out with friends. Frankly it was a ghost town. The bus only had me, a friend and the driver. It usually had about 15 kids every day.
We met up with a few other close friends at school and hung out for a few hours. Till the buses came. About 4 of the 6 friends got on my bus. One by one we all slowly got off. Then it was just me and the friend who rode the morning bus with me. We were actually neighbors so we never did any special goodbyes until the day I moved. Anyways that was pretty much my last day of school. 

Last Day at SPHS (part one)

Ironically this is being posted a year and one month after my last day of school. SPHS was my high school and it was my first of two high schools I would attend (the second being Fryeburg Academy) and SPHS was one of the main players in why we moved. They were demolishing it and building a new one. That posed two problems... Learning distraction and taxes going up, up, up and away! Anyways now starts my last day at SPHS.

It was my last day of school. My freshmen year done and over. I had one final left (my gym final) and I could leave earlier then most of the others, thanks to having a study hall. After the final ended we all returned our locks for our lockers. We had about 4-8 minutes before we were allowed to leave so we mingled in the halls and that was the time to say goodbye. I was saying goodbye to friends I had known since kindergarten or I had just met this year. Some knew I was leaving, some didn't. As the class got out I walked away headed towards the buses. I met a friend or two on the bus. They all did their best at cheering me up. I walked home that day all alone for about half of the walk. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Too bad I never got a yearbook...

Last Summer

These next posts will be all about the summer I moved and what I did that summer. Here's the schedule of when information shall be posted.

7/15/13 - Last Day of SPHS
7/16/13 - Final Hangout's
7/17/13 - Movies, Books and Songs
7/21/13 - New Hampshire, I'm Here!
8/03/13 - Grandparents House
8/05/13 - SURPRISE!
8/08/13 - Bro's
8/22/13 - Last Everything
8/23/13 - Moving Day
8/24/13 - The Day After

Alright so as you see I tried to space them out so fresh content is being posted frequently. I will post things not on the schedules now and then. Oh, if I didn't get anything posted that day then please be patient.